Most of our training classes held online offer access to digital training materials such as worksheets, reading articles, and the Daily Training Slides our presenters use in teaching.
You can often download to your device to utilize during the training, or to hold onto for your future reference.

We do not require you print off any of the Training Slides (sometimes, we provide worksheets to be printed, but we will usually mail these prior to the event). IF you wish to print off any of the materials, see below for instructions on how to minimize the materials and resources you use. 

In order to print individual slides, you will have to change up the Print settings.

The file is downloadable in a PDF format.
Once you have the slides open on your computer, you can print them in separate pages by doing the following:

1. Find the Print option for the PDF. See screenshot for mine in Adobe's PDF program. 


2. Click Print.

3. This will bring up your Printer Settings. Please mind the 

a. Blue  circle - Choose your Printer (I chose PDF as I don't have a printer. If you print to paper, you'll have to choose the printer by name.)
b. Red circle - Choose the pages to print. It may be best to find the page you want in the slides, THEN click print, THEN click Current page.
c. Yellow highlight - Be mindful of how many pages per sheet you are printing. 2 will use less paper, but make it smaller in appearance. 

4. Click Print from here. You will either print to paper, or create another PDF (If you select Print to PDF).