Keep up with your certification training journey with us! Below are screenshots that outline and explain fields from your view on your profile, that IITAP staff have been updating throughout your certification training journey.

As always, if you have additional questions, feel free to contact us via email at


We know you have been given a lot of information to keep up with so far, but first things first—please make sure you're always signed into your IITAP profile to view any of our pages geared towards your training journey on 

  1. Once logged in, at the top left-hand corner of the blue header, click My Profile
  2. Scroll down the following page until you see the Additional Information section

The Additional Information section has everything you need to know regarding your training

  • Whether or not your candidate-supervisor agreement form has been submitted. If your primary supervisor has submitted your hours for training/final evaluation form for full certification
  • Whether or not your module quiz was received
  • Training Token Login and Training ID information to complete Recovery Zone online assessments, as well as, a downloadable file for the completed assessment results
  • Final Application reviewed date and what colleagues have submitted their letter of recommendation for you

**PLEASE NOTE: Once you have completed day 1 of your CSAT Module 4 training, your view will be more condensed, only showing fields needed for the final application process**



  1. Final Application: The final application form can be found by clicking here:
    At the end of the application, you will need to submit your final application fee of $225.
  2. Complete the Cruise Control Program: As part of the requirements for full certification, candidates must complete the Online Course “Cruise Control” which is available through Digital Chalk. Access to the course may be found here: If you have not logged into Digital Chalk before you MUST create a new account. Once you establish access you may access the catalog and add “Cruise Control” to your shopping cart. Use this payment code: CSAT2016Candidate and click apply to reduce the cost of the course to $0.00. You will need to:

    (1) watch the video, 

    (2) download the reading materials, 

    (3) complete the final exam and 

    (4) complete the course evaluation. Upon successfully completing the program, you’ll receive an email notification with a certificate. We will also be notified, so we can update your record on the IITAP website.

  3. Reach out to your colleagues for letters of recommendation: You will need a total of 3 letters of recommendation submitted directly to IITAP. These letters can come from anyone who can speak to your abilities as a mental health practitioner - professional colleagues, other candidates, your CSAT Supervisor, etc. Please feel free to share the Candidate Recommendation form with your colleagues. We are also happy to accept a traditional letter of reference. All recommendations should be sent to

  4. Complete 30 hours of CSAT Supervision: After completion of Modules 3 and 4 you would have completed a total of 15 hours of CSAT supervision. An additional 15 hours, for 30 total, is required for full ASAT/CSAT certification. Upon completion of your hours, your primary CSAT Supervisor will submit the Final Consultation Evaluation form to IITAP on your behalf.

If everything listed above has been received by IITAP, please allow our staff at least 7 days to process your application and fully certify you as a CSAT or ASAT. An email notice of your approval letter and certificate will be sent to you upon finalization.