Depending on thye type of Therapist or Faith-based professional you are looking for do not hesitate to explore a several listings. Many of our members provide telehealth appointments.  Read their profiles and visit their websites. This will help you find the best fit.  Please visit:

Who is listing in our Directory

 Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT)

  • CSAT | Certified Sex Addiction Therapist has practiced at least 5 years. 
  • ASAT | Associate Sex Addiction Therapist has practiced at least 2 years. 
  • CSAT-Candidate  is a Mental Health Professional currently in the CSAT program under the guidance of a supervisor.
  • Supervisor | Certified Sex Addiction Therapist are experienced in their professional and have been trained to supervise candidates in the our programs with supervision requirements, (CSAT and CPTT).

 Certified Partner Trauma Therapist (CPTT)

  • CPTT | Certified Partner Trauma Therapist has practiced at least 5 years. 
  • APTT | Associate Partner Trauma Therapist has practiced at least 2 years. 
  • CPTT-Candidate is a Mental Health Professional currently in the CSAT program under the guidance of a supervisor.

Certified Couple Betrayal Recovery Therapist (CCBRT)

  • CCBRT | Certified Couple Betrayal Recovery Therapist has practiced at least 5 years. 
  • ACBRT | Associate Partner Trauma Therapist has practiced at least 2 years.
  • CCBRT-Candidate is a Mental Health Professional currently in the CSAT program under the guidance of a supervisor.

 Certified Multiple Addiction Therapist (CMAT)

  • CMAT | Certified Multiple Addiction Therapist  has practiced at least 5 years.
  • AMAT | Associate Multiple Addiction Therapist  has practiced at least 2 years.

Faith-based Professional - (Non-Clinical)  (PSAP, PMAP, PSAP Supervisor)

  • PSAP | Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional
  • PMAP | Pastoral Multiple Addiction Professional
  • PSAP Supervisor | Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional with senior standing

 Rainbow Affirming Therapist

  • RAE | Rainbow Advocate and Educator (Non-clinical Rainbow Affirming)
  • RACS | Rainbow Advocate and Clinical Specialist (Clinical Rainbow Affirming)