IITAP has Clinical Therapist and Faith-based professions and Rainbow Affirming Therapists.
Clinical Therapist
Certified Addiction Therapist
- CSAT | Certified Sex Addiction Therapist has practiced at least 5 years.
- ASAT | Associate Sex Addiction Therapist has practiced at least 2 years.
- CSAT-Candidate is a Mental Health Professional currently in the CSAT program under the guidance of a supervisor.
- Supervisor | Certified Sex Addiction Therapist are experienced in their professional and have been trained to supervise candidates in the our programs with supervision requirements, (CSAT and CPTT).
Certified Partner Trauma Therapist
- CPTT | Certified Partner Trauma Therapist has practiced at least 5 years.
- APTT | Associate Partner Trauma Therapist has practiced at least 2 years.
- CPTT-Candidate is a Mental Health Professional currently in the CSAT program under the guidance of a supervisor.
Certified Couple Betrayal Recovery Therapist
- CCBRT | Certified Couple Betrayal Recovery Therapist has practiced at least 5 years.
- ACBRT | Associate Partner Trauma Therapist has practiced at least 2 years.
- CCBRT-Candidate is a Mental Health Professional currently in the CSAT program under the guidance of a supervisor.
Certified Multiple Addiction Therapist
- CMAT | Certified Multiple Addiction Therapist has practiced at least 5 years.
- AMAT | Associate Multiple Addiction Therapist has practiced at least 2 years.
Faith-based Professional - (Non-Clinical)
- PSAP | Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional
- PMAP | Pastoral Multiple Addiction Professional
- PSAP Supervisor | Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional with senior standing
Rainbow Affirming Therapist
- RAE | Rainbow Advocate and Educator (Non-clinical Rainbow Affirming)
- RACS | Rainbow Advocate and Clinical Specialist (Clinical Rainbow Affirming)