Supervision Blog Post for Candidate Group Blog


Here is the process for posting your supervision individual/group information for candidates to see when selecting a Supervisor(s) to work with.

● Login to the IITAP website with your username and password 

● In the top blue header, click on Groups 

● On the following page you’ll select IITAP Training Programs: CSAT Module Training 

● Then Blogs followed by Available CSAT Supervisors, and +Add New Post 

Here’s how you would submit your blog post


● Input your Title. 

 Posted by: will read Your Name

Skip “Do Not Post Until”, “Attach File/Image”, Attach Video”, “Tag this Post” fields as they are not required. 

● Change the “Allowed Comments?” toggle from Yes to No 

● You can then type your supervision announcement as plain text in the box below 

● OR type your supervision announcement as rich or style text like the example in the box below by clicking Switch to Full Text Editor 

● Once you have finalized your post, click Submit at the bottom right.

If you have any questions or issues with your supervision post, please contact