We suggest you use Google Chrome on our website. Be sure to Clear your Browser Cache frequently.

Please visit: https://new.recoveryzone.com and Log in to Therapist Access. 

If this is your client's first assessment you are assigning, follow the instructions below:

1. Click Create a New Client Login

2. Enter a unique Client Login ID for them to keep. Do not use personally identifying information in this ID.

3. Click Add Client Login and Assign Surveys

4. On the Assign Surveys page, you will choose the corresponding assessments by checking the box.

5. Choose how the tokens are to be applied and click Save. You will see their assigned assessments on the following page.

6. Alert your client they can log in to the Recovery Zone website with their Client ID and your name.

7. Please note: CLIENT ACCESS is where they will sign in, when they visit the Recovery Zone page.

You will need to instruct clients how to log in, as this will be different. See SAMPLE below:

Dear, Client, 

Please follow these instructions for accessing and taking your assessment(s).

1. Visit https://new.recoveryzone.com

2. Click CLIENT ACCESS in the top right corner.

3. In Therapist/Practice, begin typing (Insert your name here, unless you are listed as your organization)

4. In Assigned Identifier, enter the ID you were given. 

5. Click Log In

You will see the following, or something similar. Click Start Assessment on the corresponding assessment. You can email me if you have any questions.