Otherwise, follow the instructions below:
How to verify your address in the iitap.com Therapist Directory
1. If you find that your listing is not showing up in the “Therapist Directory” most likely it means that your address needs to be validated.
To do this begin by:
a. Logging into your profile at https://iitap.com/login.aspx using your username and password.
b. Next: Go to the top-left of the window and look for the “Welcome” link click and then
choose Account + Settings
2. Click on the Profile tab
3. Now scroll down the page until you get to the Professional Information section and go to the Address and Address Cont. fields. There is an icon that looks like a stop watch.
If it has either a red or yellow mark then you must validate your address
4. Click on the Stop watch and a new window will appear with a validated address. Choose the address and then click on “Use Selected”.
5. Now you will see a green check that means your address is validated.
6. Now save your changes
7. Now the database will index your listing. This may take up to 24 hours. Once that much
time has passed recheck your listing.